To Adore Is…

  • to learn to kneel before the Mystery
  • to learn to welcome God who exposes himself to us
  • to learn to expose ourselves in truth
  • to learn to trust, to abandon ourselves to God who is love
  • to learn to enter into harmony with God and his dream for the world
  • to learn to let Jesus look upon us
  • to learn to let God write our story, to let Him tell us who we really are and to let him lead
  • to learn who God is, and who I am
  • to learn to be a pilgrim, seeking God who always comes to meet us
  • to learn to let ourselves be transformed by His grace
  • to learn to become bread which feeds others
  • to learn to look at the world and others as God sees them
  • to learn to be truly free
  • to learn to be united in diversity
  • to learn to desire that all our actions begin and end in God
  • to learn to be in silence before God