The disciples too asked Jesus to teach them how to pray!
- Set time aside daily for silent prayer
- Create spaces for silence and welcome, even when you’re not “praying”- to be open to the voice of Jesus (i.e. limiting distractions; going unplugged during your run or commute)
- Receive the graces of Confession more frequently
- Spend time in Adoration
- Read the scriptures, beginning with the Gospels
- Make time for daily Mass when possible
Prayer is a conversation. Ask God for guidance and listen with an open heart.
- How does God speak to you? It’s like asking: What’s God’s love language with you? It’s particular for every person!
- Ask God some questions…and let God ask you some as well! Don’t let the conversation be one-sided.
- How do you experience God’s invitation? through others? nature? silence? prayer? dreams? music?
Journal about your prayer experiences. Writing about your experiences helps you to organize and explore your thoughts more fully. It will help you to share your prayer experiences with a spiritual director or vocation director as well.
Handmaids are deeply rooted in Ignatian Spirituality. Follow this link to great resources on Ignatian prayer, such as the daily examen, Ignatian retreats, and various posts about the “what-how-why” of prayer!